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Sedation Anesthesia Medical Emergency Readiness Inspection

Sedation Anesthesia Medical Emergency Readiness Inspection


Everything you need to prepare for the virtual office inspection


Through a web video connection, experts from AAFDO will assess over 100 criteria in sedation/anesthesia standards of care

Mock Emergency Drills

AAFDO will provide 24 mock emergency drills to ensure peak performance during a sedation/anesthesia emergency


All inspections are customized for the type of sedation or anesthesia your office provides, to include:
  • Local Anesthesia and/or Nitrous Oxide
  • Pediatric Sedation
  • Minimal Sedation
  • Moderate Sedation
  • Deep Sedation/General Anesthesia


The office inspection covers over 100 criteria in sedation and/or anesthesia training, education, facility standards, patient selection principles, safety, resuscitative and emergency protocols, including:
  • Personnel qualifications and training
  • Proper Documentation
  • Suitability of the Office Facility for sedation/anesthesia
  • Presence, training, and use of “in-date” Emergency Medications
  • Presence and use of written emergency protocols
  • Presence, training, and use of Emergency Equipment such as basic ventilation equipment and capnography
  • Proper training through the use of Simulated Emergencies with mock emergency drills
  • Each item of emergency equipment to verify that it is in good working condition and fully operational
  • The medical emergency training logbook that documents the completion of monthly mock emergency drills
  • Anesthesia/Sedation Emergency Checklists used to prevent sedation or anesthesia induced medical mishaps
  • Participation by all office staff in a medical or sedation emergency training lecture once per year

For about $1.20 per day you get:

  • Everything you need to prepare for the inspection

  • A comprehensive, customized inspection valid for 3 years (4 years in Alaska)

  • Resources to help you remediate any deficiencies (if needed)

  • Mock Emergency Drills Guide with 24 drills and treatment algorithms

  • Peace of mind that you and your staff are truly ready for the inevitable sedation and/or anesthesia related emergency

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($997 if you practice in Alaska)

…for a thorough inspection by an outside entity, conducted by experts who have collated all of the nationally accepted standards for credentialing, licensing, permitting, as well as the criteria for training, education, facility standards, patient selection principles, safety, resuscitative and emergency protocols, PLUS 12 mock emergency drills to practice your emergency response,  

What’s My Investment?


What is it costing you, your practice, and your professional career to be inadequately prepared for a sedation/anesthesia emergency in your office?

How many hours and dollars will you spend on attorneys, depositions, lawsuits, criminal investigations, fines, and regulatory action?


For about $1.20 per day, your sedation/anesthesia medical emergency readiness inspection buys you career protection and peace of mind.

"Before the inspection, I was worried about surprises or unexpected requirements. However, AAFDO sent a pre-inspection checklist that made everything clear and streamlined.


Because of the way they conduct the inspection, I improved my documentation to increase patient safety and reduce liability.


The best thing about the inspection process was how organized everything was and the fantastic guidance provided. They were very courteous and professional.


If you are thinking about having AAFDO conduct your inspection, you should absolutely do it, it was a great experience!


Dr. Alex H. Anderson

Anchorage, AK

Download one of our free resources

"Dentistry Today" Article about Medical Emergency Readiness Inspections

(Free article in "Dentistry Today" about Sedation Anesthesia Medical Emergency Readiness Inspections)

Sample Mock Emergency Drill

(See a free sample of one of our mock emergency drills with 13 pages of information and checklists)

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