Deliver mistake-free care during patient emergencies with our
Quick Reference Checklists
Because patient emergencies don't happen often - about once every 2 years - even well-trained dentists and dental teams often miss critical steps during patient emergencies. This can lead to tragic outcomes for both your patient and your career.
Our Quick Reference Checklists (QRC) prevent those potentially career-killing mistakes with chair-side, laminated algorithm cards for 24 critical patient emergencies & 1 card for the basic management of any type of emergency.
Each of the 24 emergency-specific QRCs contain signs & symptoms, treatment algorithms, and emergency medications & doses.
The Basic Management of Emergencies QRC contains critical reminders for airway management, breathing, circulation, defibrillation, and emergency meds & equipment.
These 25 cognitive aids are critical, chair-side resources helping dental teams remember & apply their relevant patient emergency knowledge appropriately. With our QRCs in your operatories, you will…
Stop patient harm
Ensure your patients’ safety by being totally prepared for any office emergency
Protect your career
Avoid a career-killing mistake during an office emergency
Get peace of mind
Never live with the crushing memory of not being prepared during the inevitable moment-of-truth
How the QRC works
Equip every operatory with its own copy of the QRC
Recognize the patient emergency
Respond to the emergency & treat the patient
Refer to the QRC to ensure key treatment steps are not missed
Our QRCs are compact, accessible, and loaded with expert medical wisdom, academic research, and practical, simulation-tested protocols
The material in our QRCs is not intended to be a substitute for sound medical knowledge and training. Dental teams using the QRCs should use their clinical judgment and decision-making for patient management. Since treatment for the emergencies described in our QRCs can have variable presentations, a departure, where medically appropriate, from the information presented here is encouraged.
Only $129 for
25 Checklists
(12 Days of Christmas Sale! Use the code SAFERPATIENTS for 50% off!)
Why you need the set of 25 Quick Reference Checklists
Simulation studies show that integrating a QRC into the operatory results in better management during patient crisis events
During a crisis event, the stacks of relevant literature are rarely accessible
Memory worsens under stress and distractions interrupt our planned actions
Expertise requires significant repetitive practice, so dental teams are experts in every emergency
Recent research suggests that using a QRC improves teamwork, facilitates coordination, decreases stress, and enables the delivery of better patient care
I’m in.
I want the
Quick Reference Checklist set for $129
(12 Days of Christmas Sale! Use the code SAFERPATIENTS for 50% off!)
(plus shipping & handling)
“After becoming a dentist, I learned to fly and got my pilot’s license. For several years, I’ve been looking for checklists to use during a patient emergency - just like I have emergency checklists when I’m flying. This QRC is exactly what I needed. I know how easy it is to forget simple lifesaving skills and protocols during a high-stress, high-pressure event. This is the simple, easy-to-use low-tech solution to keeping my patients safe!”
- Chris R. (Dallas, TX)
What you Get for $129
(12 Days of Christmas Sale! Use the code SAFERPATIENTS for 50% off!)
25 laminated checklists - 24 of which address the most common dental office emergencies
A tool that can be used in each operatory for:
A pre-event ‘just-in-time’ review for at-risk patients
A ready reference during a patient emergency for crisis management
A post-event team debriefing
A tool that can be used for education, including:
1:1 or small group teaching
Studying for oral exams
Simulated emergencies (such as our Mock Medical Emergency Drills Guide) and debriefing sessions
I’m in.
I want the
Quick Reference Checklist set for $129
(12 Days of Christmas Sale! Use the code SAFERPATIENTS for 50% off!)
(plus shipping & handling)
Get the QRC, Sedation QRC, and Pediatric QRC all in one bundle!
Practice Sedation Dentistry?
Get the Sedation Quick Reference Checklist for only $79
I’m in.
I want the
Sedation QRC for $79
(plus shipping & handling)
Practice Pediatric Dentistry?
Get the Pediatric Quick Reference Checklist for only $99
Contains 12 emergency medical and sedation-related algorithms specifically designed for pediatric dentistry
I’m in.
I want the
Pediatric QRC for $99
(plus shipping & handling)
Download one of our free resources